Then, once you have done all of this, save your workbook by pressing “Ctrl-S” and then you should be all set. Try to use real examples of your data to make sure you include all required columns. Add some initial records to your budget sheet to guarantee that you are able to set it up to capture all the data regarding your expenses. All you have to do is follow the same process as you did in formatting your income worksheet. This should be the final step in creating the worksheet for your income and expenses. Do the exact same process as you did with the income spreadsheet, but choose the right column headings that best suit your expenses.You may also see budget worksheet template. Select your expense worksheet and prepare to set it up to record all of your expense data. Add one more record of income date to your sample worksheet to make sure that everything is well-organized and that you have all the columns and formatting that you could possibly need. You can place in “Currency” for the amount of money and “Dates” for when you receive income. Then, choose the appropriate category for each column. In the number group within the Home tab, click the little launcher icon that is beside the word “Number” and open the Format window. The columns should include information such as the dates of when the income was received, what the income was for, and where the income came from. These should include everything you want to record for each instance of received income statement. You have to do this for all of the columns located in the top row of your daily worksheet. Title the first worksheet as “income” and the second one as “expenses” by right-clicking the tab at the bottom of each worksheet, then selecting the “rename” option, and entering the name. Your new workbook should contain three sample worksheets by default. Doing this gives you the option to create a third sheet later on which allows you to calculate the balance sheet using the date from the income and expense sheets. You can include both your income and expense spreadsheets in the same workbook. Once you do that, click on the “Available Templates” option and choose “Blank Workbook“. Open the application, click on “File” and then select “New”.

Let us Microsoft Excel format for this example. So, here are the steps that will help you create your own sample expense report and income statement spreadsheet: Open your spreadsheet or worksheet application Once you have all of the information within the example spreadsheet, you can use it to analyze how you go about your spending and how you can prevent yourself from spending more than you need to.

Download How to create expense and income spreadsheetsĪ sample budget spreadsheet is one of the best tools that you can use to manage your finances plans.